Dr. Christopher A. Scott

Professional Preparation

Swarthmore College Engineering & Asian Studies (Distinction) BS & BA, 1985
Cornell University Hydrology MS, 1991
Cornell University Hydrology PhD, 1998
International Water Management Inst. Water resources decision-making Postdoc, 1997-2000


• 2006-present: Professor (promoted from Assoc. Professor in 2014, from Asst. in 2010), Geography & Development and Research Professor of Water Resources Policy, Univ. of Arizona; affiliated faculty in Dept. Hydrology & Water Resources; Dept. Soil, Water & Environmental Science; School of Natural Resources & Environment; Institute of Environment; Latin American Studies.

• 2005-2006: Senior Project Specialist – Hydrometeorology, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, National Weather Service, International Activities Office, Silver Spring, MD. Coordinated climate-water collaboration with Mexico and India.

• 2001-2005: Principal Researcher; Director for Asia, International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Hyderabad, India. Science-policy for water resources decision-making; water-energy nexus; extensive international project collaboration; leader as PI on numerous $1M+ competitive projects.

• 2000-2001: Hydrologist, IWMI at US Agency for International Development, Washington, DC.

• 1997-2000: Postdoc, promoted to Researcher, Mexico Program Leader, IWMI, Guanajuato, Mexico.

• 1994-1997: Research Associate, New York City Watershed Project, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY.

• 1992-1994: Project Manager, Catholic Relief Services, Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

• 1991-1992: Research Assistant, Cornell Irrigation Studies Group, Ithaca, NY.

• 1987-1989: Coordinator - Small-scale Irrigation, Seva Mandir (an NGO), Udaipur, India.

• 1985-1987: Assistant Engineer, Baker Engineers, Alexandria, VA.


Scott, C.A., S. Vicuña, I. Blanco-Gutiérrez, F. Meza, C. Varela-Ortega. 2014. Irrigation efficiency and water-policy implications for river-basin resilience. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18: 1339–1348, doi: 10.5194/hess-18-1339-2014.

Scott, C.A., S.J. Buechler. 2013. Iterative driver-response dynamics of human-environment interactions in the Arizona-Sonora borderlands. Ecosphere 4(1): Article 2, doi: 10.1890/ES12-00273.1.

Scott, C.A. 2013. Electricity for groundwater use: constraints and opportunities for adaptive response to climate change. Environmental Research Letters 8 (2013) 035005, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/8/3/035005.

Scott, C.A., R.G. Varady, F. Meza, E. Montaña, G.B. de Raga, B. Luckman, C. Martius. 2012. Science-policy dialogues for water security: addressing vulnerability and adaptation to global change in the arid Americas. Environment 54(3): 30-42.

Scott, C.A. 2011. The water-energy-climate nexus: resources and policy outlook for aquifers in Mexico. Water Resources Research 47, W00L04, doi:10.1029/2011WR010805.

Other Products

Vieira, R., C. Tucci, C.A. Scott (eds.) 2014. Water and Climate Modeling in Large Basins, Vol. 2. Associação Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos, Brazil. (Vol. 1 published in 2011).
Sivapalan, M., M. Konar, V. Srinivasan, A. Chhatre, A. Wutich, C.A. Scott, J. L. Wescoat, I. Rodríguez-Iturbe. 2014. Socio-hydrology: use-inspired water sustainability science for the Anthropocene. Earth’s Future 2: 1-6, doi: 10.1002/2013EF000164.

Scott, C.A., B.R. Sharma. 2009. Energy supply and the expansion of groundwater irrigation in the Indus-Ganges basin. International Journal of River Basin Management 7(2): 119-124, doi: 10.1080/15715124.2009.9635374.

Biggs, T.W., C.A. Scott, A. Gaur, J.P. Venot, T. Chase, E. Lee. 2008. Impacts of irrigation and anthropogenic aerosols on the water balance, heat fluxes, and surface temperature in a river basin. Water Resources Research 44, W12415, doi: 10.1029/2008WR006847.

Scott, C.A., S.A. Pierce, M.J. Pasqualetti, A.L. Jones, B.E. Montz, J.H. Hoover. 2011. Policy and institutional dimensions of the water-energy nexus. Energy Policy 39: 6622-6630.

Celio, M., C.A. Scott, M. Giordano. 2010. Urban-agricultural water appropriation: the Hyderabad, India case. The Geographical Journal 176(1): 39–57, doi: 10.1111/j.1475-4959.2009.00336.x.

Synergistic Activities

Co-Director, AQUASEC - IAI Center of Excellence for Water Security (with Francisco Meza, Director of Center for Global Change, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile).

P.I., CNH: Strengthening Resilience of Arid Region Riparian Corridors: Ecohydrology and Decision Making in the Sonora and San Pedro Watersheds, $1,400,000, NSF Award # 101495.

P.I., IAI: Innovative Science and Influential Policy Dialogues for Water Security in the Arid Americas. $800,000, Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research - IAI.

Co-P.I., The Lloyd’s Register Foundation International Water Security Network, £735,439, Lloyd’s Register Foundation

P.I., Pan-American Studies Institute (PASI): Adaptive Water-Energy Management in the Arid Americas, $100,000; La Serena, Chile, 2013, NSF Award # 1242209.

Investigator, International Network for Integrated Solutions to Climate Challenges. $2,400,000, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, Climate and Societal Interactions, International Research and Applications program.

Training coordinator, Adaptive management of water resources under climate change in vulnerable river basins, for 20-25 early- and mid-career professionals from across the Americas, with funding support from U.S. National Science Foundation, Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research, and Flemish development aid, to be held in La Serena, Chile, October 8-17, 2012.

Chair, Scientific Committee, XIV World Water Congress – Adaptive Water Management: Looking to the Future, International Water Resources Association and Secretaria de Recursos Hídricos e Energéticos (Pernambuco), Porto de Galinhas, Brazil, 25-29 Sept., 2011.

Collaborators and Other Affiliations

Non - U. Arizona Collaborators & Co-Editors:

Aaron Wolf (Oregon State U.); Alejandro Castellanos (Univ. Sonora); Alfredo Ribeiro (Univ. Fed. Pernambuco, Brazil); Almir Cirilo (Univ. Fed. Pernambuco, Brazil); Blanca Jiménez (UNAM, Mexico); Carlos Gay (UNAM, Mexico); Carolina Vera (Univ. Buenos Aires, Argentina); Claudia Ringler (International Food Policy Research Inst.); Elizabeth Wentz (Arizona State U.); Elma Montaña (IAI); Francisco Meza (Univ. Católica, Chile); Graciela Raga (U. Nac. Autónoma México); José Luis Moreno (COLSON); Liqa Raschid-Sally (International Water Management Inst.); Luis Farfan, (CICESE, Mexico); Martín Montero (Inst. Mexicano Tecnología Agua); Martin Pasqualetti (Arizona State U.); Miguel Rangel (Univ. Sonora); Nicolás Pineda (Colegio Sonora); Patricia Gober (Arizona State U.); Pay Drechsel (International Water Management Inst.); Philippus Wester (ICIMOD); Rodrigo Fuster (U. Chile); Ruth Meinzen-Dick (International Food Policy Research Inst.); Sebastian Vicuña (Univ. Católica, Chile); Subhrajit Guhatakurtha (U. Georgia); Suzana Montenegro (Univ. Fed. Pernambuco, Brazil); Suzanne Pierce (U. Texas Austin); Tammo Steenhuis (Cornell U.); Teresa Cavazos (CICESE); Trent Biggs (San Diego State U.)

Graduate Advisors and Postdoctoral Sponsors: M.S. and Ph.D.: Michael F. Walter (Cornell University); Postdoc: Carlos Garcés (International Water Management Institute) Thesis Advisor and Postgraduate-Scholar Sponsor: 1 postdoc (Trent Biggs); 25 students: as PhD chair (Eve Halper, Lily House-Peters, Ryan Lee, America Lutz, Bhuwan Thapa, Austin Aslan, Arica Crootof, Yulia Peralta); MA chair (Kerri Jean Ormerod, Joseph Hoover, Andrea Prichard, Zachary Sugg, Katherine Daily, Tabitha Spence, Katherine Curl, Lauren Herwehe, Chloé Fandel, Megan Mills-Novoa); PhD member (Lissette De La Cruz, Stephen Amesbury, Robin Lewis, Jeff Banister, Rolando Díaz, PennElys Droz, Kelly Mott-Lacroix); MA member (Tobias Finke, Evan Dick, Derejeh Gultineh, George Saliba); 7 co-advised (Mexico, Chile, India).